Egyptian Horoscope: Discover Which God You Are and What It Says About You

The ancient Egyptians believed that their gods and goddesses influenced every aspect of life, including their personalities and destinies.

Just like the zodiac signs, the Egyptian horoscope assigns each person a deity based on their birth date, offering insights into their character and potential. Discover which Egyptian god you are and what it says about you.

1. Amun-Ra (January 8 - January 21, February 1 - February 11)

The Creator

Amun-Ra, the god of creation and the sun, represents power and leadership. If you were born under Amun-Ra, you are likely a natural leader with a strong presence. You have a commanding personality and a visionary mind, always striving to achieve great things. Your determination and confidence inspire others, making you a powerful figure in any group. However, you must be careful not to become too domineering or overlook the needs of others in your quest for success.

2. Anubis (May 8 - May 27, June 29 - July 13)

The Protector

Anubis, the god of the afterlife and mummification, is associated with protection and loyalty. Those born under Anubis are often seen as guardians, always looking out for their loved ones. You are highly intuitive and have a deep understanding of the mysteries of life and death. Your empathetic nature makes you a comforting presence to those around you. However, your protective instincts can sometimes lead to overbearing behavior, so it’s important to balance care with trust.

3. Bastet (July 14 - July 28, September 23 - October 27)

The Nurturer

Bastet, the goddess of home, fertility, and childbirth, embodies nurturing and compassion. If you are born under Bastet, you are likely a caring and loving individual who values family and close relationships. Your warmth and kindness make you a natural caregiver. You have a playful side and enjoy bringing joy to those around you. However, you must be careful not to neglect your own needs while taking care of others.

4. Geb (February 12 - February 29, August 20 - August 31)

The Earthy One

Geb, the god of the earth, represents stability and practicality. Those born under Geb are grounded and reliable. You have a deep connection to nature and value the material aspects of life. Your practicality and strong work ethic make you a dependable friend and colleague. However, your focus on the tangible can sometimes make you resistant to change or new ideas. Learning to embrace flexibility can help you grow.

5. Horus (April 20 - May 7, August 12 - August 19)

The Visionary

Horus, the god of the sky and kingship, symbolizes vision and ambition. If you are born under Horus, you have a keen sense of purpose and a desire to achieve greatness. Your foresight and strategic thinking make you a natural planner and leader. You are courageous and willing to take risks to achieve your goals. However, your ambition can sometimes lead to a single-minded focus that may alienate others. Remembering to consider different perspectives will benefit you.

6. Isis (March 11 - March 31, October 18 - October 29, December 19 - December 31)

The Magician

Isis, the goddess of magic and healing, embodies intuition and transformation. Those born under Isis are often seen as wise and mystical. You have a deep understanding of emotions and the ability to heal and transform those around you. Your empathetic nature makes you a powerful support system for your friends and family. However, your sensitivity can sometimes lead to emotional overwhelm. It’s important to take time for self-care and reflection.

Egyptian Horoscope: Discover Which God You Are and What It Says About You

7. Osiris (March 1 - March 10, November 27 - December 18)

The Rebirth

Osiris, the god of the afterlife and resurrection, represents renewal and resilience. If you are born under Osiris, you have a strong sense of justice and a deep understanding of life’s cycles. You are capable of great personal transformation and often emerge stronger from challenges. Your resilience inspires others, making you a natural mentor. However, your intense focus on justice can sometimes lead to rigidity. Learning to embrace forgiveness will bring you peace.

8. Sekhmet (July 29 - August 11, October 30 - November 7)

The Warrior

Sekhmet, the goddess of war and healing, embodies strength and determination. Those born under Sekhmet are fierce and passionate, with a strong will to protect and fight for what they believe in. You are courageous and unyielding, often taking on challenges that others shy away from. Your strength can be intimidating, but it also makes you a powerful ally. However, your warrior spirit can sometimes lead to conflicts. Learning to temper your aggression with compassion will enhance your relationships.

9. Set (May 28 - June 18, September 28 - October 2)

The Challenger

Set, the god of chaos and change, represents disruption and innovation. If you are born under Set, you are a natural disruptor who thrives on shaking up the status quo. Your boldness and willingness to take risks make you an agent of change. You are innovative and always looking for new ways to solve problems. However, your love for chaos can sometimes lead to instability. Finding a balance between change and stability will help you harness your full potential.


The Egyptian horoscope offers a fascinating glimpse into your personality and potential, based on the deity you are associated with. Whether you are a nurturing Bastet or a visionary Horus, understanding these traits can help you navigate your personal and professional relationships more effectively. Embrace the qualities of your corresponding deity and use them to your advantage as you journey through life.
